Friday, December 28, 2007

First view of the house for "all the clan"...CJ and Andrew had never even seen the property, Matt just when there was a huge hole in the ground. CJ's boyfriend Jason is with us. Light snow has fallen in the morning, which almost caused the van to slide back down our "service street"!

Jason standing in front of garage, and the back of Andrew's head. Garage doors have been added. Logs are not quite finished across the front of the house.

View of the Great Room windows and cross-beams above taken from the loft.
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The upstairs hallway is drywalled. Bathroom is at end of hall.

Drywall in upstairs corner bedroom.

Rafters above Great Room. Ceiling has been finished with pine planks yet to be stained.
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"Lookout" triangle over front door from loft.

Fireplace in Great Room.

Carolyn and Jason pose in the Great Room.
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Drywalll in upstairs corner bedroom.

Drywall in Dining Room.

Drywall in Great Room with fireplace awaiting stonework.
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View from deck with light snow.

Master bedroom drywall up.

Drywall in part of Master Bathroom.
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Downstairs bedroom (Kathy quilting room vs. Matt's extra bedroom!) with drywall up!

Downstairs great room with drywall and start of stone fireplace.

View of sunset at Deep Creek (not from our house).
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Monday, November 26, 2007

They are digging the well! First view of the site from Spring Creek.
How did they get that truck in the woods like that?
And doesn't the lake look big and cold!!

View of the house from up on Spring Creek, looking at the side of the garage.
That white "dot" is a snowflake that landed on the lens just as the picture was snapped. There were snowshowers (intense one minute, nothing the next) once we passed Cumberland all the way here this morning, the day after Thanksgiving, 2007.

Equipment and logs sit at the jobsite.

Closeup of the trucks drilling the well.
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Workmen in a cherry-picker attach the logs.

Busy worksite!
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The logs are coming around the front corner!

View of master bedroom bathroom windows on the front of the house.
Note the height of the stonework at the foundation(still going up!)
and that the retaining walls coordinate with the stone.
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Dennis in the garage...note the falling snowflakes.

Dennis looking out the back door of the garage.
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The greatroom fireplace awaits its stonework.

The pergola above the kitchen triple windows is now in place. Logs still await being stained.

A nice shot of the front door, barred from within so it is not used during construction.
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November 23, 2007

The ground at the back of the house has been somewhat leveled, with more brush removed or perhaps gone for the winter. The logs have been set across the back.

A great view of the back of the house.

Straight on view of the rear of the house. Logs are on but have yet to be stained.

A view from slightly down the hillside; the shot is "over" a ridge of dirt that will be somewhat leveled when the final landscaping is done.
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The log siding has not been attached to the back of the house, though the
stacked stone foundation is finished.

A shot of the rear of the house from a bit further back in the yard.

Another view of the back of the house with the stone foundation finished.

Another shot of the back of the house.
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